Monday, December 6, 2010

Savior of the Nations Come!

             Reading the lyrics to many songs does not give you the same effect as when you listen to the song. It makes it harder to detect the author’s true tone towards the matter they are writing about. This song is different though. It has obvious feelings of joy and thankfulness that it made evident within the first few verses. Luther states, “Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child!” He is giving thanks for all of the wonderful things that Christ has done! His ecstatic writing remains through the whole song while and reading this song made me feel happy that Christ is my Savior.
 His use of rhyming makes his song even more harmonious; especially when he contrasts hell with “the song of triumph swell.” This particular part of the song shows the true defeat of eternal death in hell. Also, the repetition of the last verse emphasizes that his true purpose of the song is to give praise.
             I think that this whole hymn together is an example of pathos. By writing this hymn, Luther is declaring his jubilant emotion towards our Savior. He tries and definitely succeeds at making his impression, which I think is a strong and inspiring gesture.

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