Tuesday, December 21, 2010


“Reuse provides maximum function for given material and energy input.”
In the article by Waldemar R. Semrau, he discusses his career path in life and references it to the old saying ‘reduce, reuse, recycle.’ In this article, he leaves some background information out. Although it may cause a hint of confusion, I think it does the article well. If there had been excess information about him, readers may have concentrated more on that knowledge aside from the point he had been trying to make. 
He starts his story off telling of his childhood dream to be a surgeon, and continues by illustrating working as a Engineer. After numerous years of working in this field, he then again decided that he wanted to be a surgeon and attempted to pursue it. He believes he would be a good example of reusing, because he is 75 years old and has had multiple jobs.  By occupying himself with so many jobs, Semrau says he is ‘reusing’ his work life. He is not just retiring after being employed in one job like most people do; he continues to keep working, much like reusing a can or a water bottle. By telling this story, Semrau is trying to say that we should not waste our talents, but to keep using them.        


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