Sunday, December 5, 2010

Borghardt vs. Edwards

Reverend Borghardt's sermon mentions Christ a total of 23 times.

He talks about Christ taking on death, making us holy, slaying, making us alive, living, coming, making, smiling and reigning in his sermon.

The difference between Edwards’ sermon and Reverend Borghardt's sermon is evident. Although they both preach towards the same goal of hoping their congregation will come and remain in the faith, they take completely different approaches to the matter. Edward revolves around the general topic of what will happen if we do not believe and harshly describes the cruel punishments of non-believers on judgment day. Borghardt, on the other hand, stays on the calmer side, describing how Jesus saves you. He makes you feel better about yourself. Both sermons have the same overall effect, but I personally enjoy Borghardt’s approach better.


  1. Ashley,
    I like how you said "both sermons preach towards the same goal of hoping their congregation will come and remain in the faith." Instead of just contrasting the differences between the sermons using the diagnostic you said a similarity that is also important to the messages of both.
    Carrie Freeman

  2. I agree with what you said, Edwards' sermon was definitely harsh, his goal was to create fear in his listeners. Where as Borghardt's sermon was based on how we are saved through Jesus Christ and through his mercy we are saved.

  3. I agree with what you said about how Edwards' focused on what will happen to you when you on judgement day if you are not a believer. I like how you said that Borghardt stayed on the calmer side and was trying to get people to want to believe not do it out of fear.

  4. I like how you described how both of the pastors want to keep their congregation in the faith. They just express it in different ways. they both have good intentions for their congregation, but Borghardt is really the only one who preaches the Gospel.

  5. Ashley, I thought it was interesting how you said that Borghardt and Edwards' both had a common goal, but they both took different approaches on the matter. This was different than many people who only mentioned how they were different.

  6. I like that you pointed out that both of them are going for the same goal but got there in different ways.
